We are creating a unique flexible loan product of a permanent nature to cover the costs of transitioning very small SMEs to the new digital era.

Design and implement programs to directly boost the liquidity of small businesses with working capital, with more flexible credit assessment criteria.

Introduction of guarantee products with limited collateral and granting of microcredits with reasonable interest rates.

Limitation of Bank charges and commissions (charges & transaction costs for using e-banking services).

Removal of anchorages and accelerating loan/fund granting procedures from the Banks.

Complete and without exceptions application of the tools of the new Code of Conduct of the Bank of Greece (extension of the repayment period of the loan, payment of a reduced installment, separation of the debt, deletion of part of the total claim, etc.

It is upgrading the Hellenic Development Bank (EAT) to become the central pillar of support and development for smaller businesses, which are excluded from bank lending.

Equal trade participation in the new NSRF, emphasizing investments in the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises and stricter supervision of the implemented actions.

Extrajudicial Debt Settlement Mechanism (law 4738/2020) – Reorganization of businesses: It is necessary both to settle procedural issues (activation of the electronic platform) and to show greater interest on the part of banks and public services, with the supervision of the Bank of Greece deemed necessary.

Recovery Fund: Strengthening the interconnection between different economic activities

  1. Reduction of regional inequalities through targeted interventions at the local level and by the economic sector.
  2. Dissemination of information about the actions of the Fund to small and medium enterprises and elimination of the information deficit.
  3. Non-counting of already received aid (refundable advance payment, etc.) in covering the maximum eligible limit (ceiling) of state aid, a parameter that leads to the unfair exclusion of companies from the Fund’s funds.


“Freezing” and capitalizing the old overdue debts to the former OAEE, with the conversion of the capitalized debt into insurance time, during retirement.

Increase the upper limit of primary pension debts from 20,000 to 50,000 euros.

Repayment of the excess of 20,000 euros of debts for the debtor’s retirement over 12 months instead of the two months that apply today.

Extension from 5 to 6 years (72 from 60 months) of the repayment time of the maximum debt limit/debt withholding of 20,000 euros.

Calculate the pension over the entire business/working life of the entrepreneur and not only from 2002 onwards.

Prescription of debts to the former OAEE that exceed ten years, with a simultaneous provision for safeguarding and counting the recorded insurance time for establishing pension rights.

Further de-escalation of businesses’ non-salary costs to 20%, from the 22.29% that stands today.

Further simplification of procedures when issuing the electronic insurance information and shortening the time to satisfy requests of the insured of the former OAEE.

Improving the interchange between self-employed contributions paid and health services provided.

Possibility of offsetting the unduly paid contributions with overdue debts of non-employees.

Suspension of all compulsory collection measures of e-EFKA and KEAO until the final elimination of the effects of the pandemic.

Exemption from the payment of insurance contributions by the employed pensioners of the former OAEE (Single Social Security Body) for incomes up to 10,000 euros, just as it applies to the former OGA (Agricultural Insurance Organisation).

Extension in a limited scope, subject to conditions, and to deal exclusively with the company’s unique needs beyond the agricultural and Trade sectors.

I am returning the authority to determine the amount of the Minimum Wage to the social partners.

Grant of Special Sickness Allowance to self-employed traders who are sick with Covid-19.

The flexibility of the conditions for granting the aid to the self-employed and independently employed by DYPA, with a parallel extension of its grant to 12 from 9 and subject to conditions currently in force.

Increase the allowance of 10% for each protected family member of the entrepreneur and payment of corresponding Christmas and Easter Gifts, just as it applies to employees.

Utilization of the monthly unemployment contribution paid by self-employed professionals through the expansion of the allowance beneficiaries.

The function of the allowance amount is not only from the change in the minimum wage but also from other macroeconomic indicators (GDP, inflation, etc.).

Activation of the business allowlist.

Establishment of tangible and substantial criteria for rewarding consistent entrepreneurs (permanently subsidizing new hires, granting tax deductions, etc.).


Immediate removal of pretense fee.

Restoration permanently of the special regime of reduced by 30% VAT rates in the Aegean islands.

Immediate institutionalization and implementation of the Special Unrestricted Business Account, depending on the business turnover.

Institutionalization and legal certification of the tourist commercial business, with the main criterion being the realization of more than 50% of its turnover during the four months of June – September of each year. The seasonal commercial enterprise will participate equally in all the beneficial measures to support the tourism sector.

Abolition of the supplementary tax ENFIA also for the immovable property of companies, in proportion to what applies to natural persons.

We are establishing a tax-free limit for the self-employed and linking it to the obligation to collect electronic receipts.

Complete abolition of advance payment of next year’s income tax for both individuals (sole proprietorships) and companies.

Definitive abolition of obsolete and unfair living documents and their replacement by the Electronic Property Register.

Reduction of the current VAT rates was reduced to 11% from 13%, and the general one, which includes fuel, to 20% from 24%.

We are increasing small businesses’ national VAT exemption threshold from €10,000 to €20,000 and speeding up VAT refunds for exporting units.

Further de-escalation of the corporate income tax rate from 22% to 20%.

Establishment of a single, more attractive, and homogenized Fixed arrangement of 48 monthly installments for regular and extraordinary debts from any cause, both to the Tax Office and to the Insurance funds, with the first 24 installments being exempt from interest charges while from the 25th and for all of the selected installments will be subject to an annual interest rate of 2.5%.

We are improving the interoperability and flow of data exchange between the electronic information systems of the Government (AADE, e-EFKA/”Ergani”).

Abolish the outdated Luxury Tax.

Suspension of the implementation of the compulsory measures of the Tax Office until the final elimination of the effects of the pandemic and the energy crisis.


Continuation of government subsidization of residential and commercial electricity tariffs for 2022 until inflationary pressures have subsided.

Intensification of controls to limit smuggling and profiteering phenomena in the sale price of fuel.

Reduction of the Special Consumption Tax (SCT), as the exogenous definition of the price of energy products, inflates entrepreneurs’ costs.

Exemption of electricity bills from fees and taxes in favor of third parties.


Replacement of the Ministerial Decision 56885/10-11-2014 that frees the offers with the Code of Conduct of the Market, which was reached by consensus and with minimal disagreements by the market operators after a long and extensive consultation.

To abolish the intermediate discount periods and to maintain the regular discounts as they are (January – February and July – August). To give the right to local communities and Trade Associations to determine limited discount periods depending on the characteristics of each region.

Double deleted price to be reserved for discounts only.

Offers and promotions to be understood as a single unit. To be given the right to two 10-day offers and promotions – one per season, to be used by each business as they see fit. The offers and promotions will concern a maximum of 1/3 of all available items.

Offers and promotions end at least 30 days before sales.

To introduce every business’s right to a “stock corner.” It concerns up to 10% of the total number of products and lasts one month for each product.

In stock and outlet stores, references that lead to the availability of “special production” products should be removed. At the same time, consider the possibility of limiting the number of outlet stores per region.

Να καθιερωθεί ειδικό ηλεκτρονικό μητρώο προσφορών – προωθητικών ενεργειών στην ιστοσελίδα της Γενικής Γραμματείας Εμπορίου, δημόσιο και ελεύθερα προσβάσιμο. Όλες οι προσφορές και προωθητικές ενέργειες να πρέπει να δηλώνονται εκεί.

To establish a special electronic register of offers – promotional actions on the General Secretariat of Commerce website, public and freely accessible. All offers, and promotions must be declared there.

To amend the framework of Law 4177/2013 (8 Sundays Catholic liturgy) to include the last 2 Sundays of the year and the first Sunday of the regular winter sales) with the possible addition of at most one more Sunday, Palm Sunday.

Stagnant open-air trade (either in municipal or port areas), street markets, trade fairs, Christmas markets, Easter markets, and Sunday markets should only occur in controlled areas.

To proceed immediately with a pan-Hellenic inventory, recording, and control of all rural trade licenses, both producer and seller.

The licensing authority will be assigned to the Department of Commerce of the Region.

To define strictly and restrictively the available items by the form of rural trade.

Beneficiaries and their deputies are to be kept, in addition to GEMI, in a special register of rural traders the Region holds.

Retailers should be required to prove the manner of acquisition of the items for sale with official tax information.

The relevant bodies of the Municipalities should check small sellers’ tax and insurance awareness before the licenses are granted.

Every small seller must always keep a cash register.

Trade in fake and counterfeit products is outlawed, even if their possession is legal.

It is forbidden to carry out street trade close to organized shops with land and sea goods.

To abolish the possibility of stationary trade in private spaces.

It is forbidden to trade stationary near organized shops with the corresponding items.

To abolish all trade fairs, except those with traditional (festive) characteristics, and not to allow the creation of new ones. Alternatively, allow only one trade fair per Municipality/Municipality/Local Community per year.

The trade fairs should be held outside the historical and commercial centers of cities and towns and should last a maximum of three (3) days.

The Christmas and Easter markets should last a maximum of 5 days.

The products offered at the Christmas and Easter markets should be explicitly defined by law, which should justify the character of the days.

Only land and sea products or traditional products from producers should be available in the public markets.

To move the street markets outside the central roads, arteries, and streets.

Limit the time of each public market to a maximum of one day per week per region.

To control the allegedly unscrupulous markets “without intermediaries” or “potato movement.”

Control of illegal products upon their entry into the country through X-Ray scanners at customs and essential ports.

Intensification of checks in warehouses for wholesale distribution and sale of secondary products.

Generalization of the commercial zoning law application, as it has now been harmonized with the jurisprudence of the Council of State (Article 10 Law 2323/1995).

Directly dealing with the unacceptable phenomenon of the General Secretaries of the Decentralized Administrations letting the statutory deadlines pass without action, so that – bypassing the law – they give the right to superstores to settle in the various regions, ignoring the arguments of local communities. The law provides that after the lapse of 60 days from filing the appeal before the General Secretary of the Region, and if the appeal has not been answered, the acceptance of the operating license of the superstore is automatically valid. We request the replacement of automatic acceptance with automatic rejection.

Introduction of a provision to regulate the cases of the creation of large stores in municipalities with a population of less than 15,000 inhabitants (now it is accessible).

Remove vast retail spaces (retail hypermarkets and large shopping centers) from traditional city centers.

The subjection of Shopping Centers to the licensing process applies to large stores. We are extending the validity of the law to cover all retail spaces over 250 sq.m.

Application in Athens and Thessaloniki (currently excluded) of the terms and conditions for establishing and establishing new large stores.